When I draw…

18 06 2010

Apparently I look like this:

Cousins, Long-Lost No More

18 06 2010

Today at the end of a very wonderful day cooking for the Goetzes, I received a phone call from Iowa from Irene and David Hope, my long-lost second cousins (or in my parlance, uncle and auntie). Irene is the daughter of the brother of my paternal grandmother (the one who grew up in Hawaii, then Canton, Hong Kong, Malaya and Singapore). She has three children: Nathaniel in Wisconsin, Erin in Minneapolis, and Lauren in Ames, Iowa. Now I have places to visit in every state down the Mississippi until I reach St Louis, Missouri, where I will meet Darell.

I’m meeting Erin tomorrow for breakfast before I head off to the Schaeffer Institute, L’abri, in Rochester, Minnesota. God is Good. Life is hard, but good. And already outside the storms are beginning to gather.