If You Like It Then You Shouldha Put A Ring Onnit

13 07 2010

Judith: So, I guess since I’m traveling alone and I don’t want guys bothering me on public transport and such, I’m going to wear this ambiguous ring on my left ring finger – it’s wooden, so it doesn’t look like a wedding ring, but it kind of looks like I’m not available either.

God: You don’t actually need a ring to protect you, you know that, right?

Judith: Yeah, but Let’s Go Mexico suggested it!

God: It’s still kind of lying, you know.

Judith: Oh come on. It can’t hurt! And I’m really not looking.

God: But maybe I’m looking out for you, and you really don’t need a little wooden ring to protect you cos you have the Almighty God who made Heaven and Earth?

Judith: Nope, gonna wear the ring.


One week later, I have a large growth on my ring, third and second finger.

Judith: Um, I guess I can’t wear this ring anymore. Ahhh … what will I do? Now people will think I’m single!

God: You ARE single.

Judith: Um, yes.

God: I will send you to an apartment with two medical students.

Judith: Hi, Jennifer and Nike! I have this weird blistery thingy on my hand.

Jennifer: First of all, you should not still be wearing those rings, even on your right hand.

Judith: OK.

Jennifer: I will look up Access Medicine to make sure that it doesn’t get serious.

Judith: You mean it’s serious?

Jennifer: Think about it this way. We are preventing it from getting serious. How long have you been wearing those rings?

Judith: About a month?

Jennifer: Er, and when did it start to get uncomfortable?

Judith: About a week ago?

Jennifer: And you kept wearing the rings?

Judith: Yeah.

Jennifer gives me an argh-laymen-they-don’t-know-anything look

Jennifer (bandaging and anointing my fingers with petroleum jelly) : I’m kind of angry you were still wearing those rings.

Judith: OK I guess I won’t wear those rings.


Moral of the story: Put not your faith in rings!